A few words about

What We Do

          Prepare different books using the brail machine and distribute it.

          Convert Islamic and other books in to audio books.


     Open Madrasas(schools)  for visually impaired Muslims in Addis Ababa, Sebeta and Gonder.


     Distribute Brail Qur’an to visually impaired individuals residing in different parts of the county.


         Deliver Brail Qur’an trainings for  visually impaired(blind) students in different parts of the country.

         Collect and distribute Remedan Iftar supplies to visually
impaired (blind) individuals in different parts of the country.


         Provide pocket money to very needy visually impaired students.


        Provide seed money for selected visually impaired individuals to start their own business.


A weekly television program already on air with the name “zawya akato” translated as zawya inclusive.


We have prepared several discussion programs and public programs.

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